Analysis of implied anticipatory breach of contract and prior performance defence& Reexplanation of article 68 and article 69 in the contract law of People's Republic of China 辨析默示预期违约与不安抗辩权&重新阐释合同法68条和69条
Although implied breach of contract in our Contractual Law are to be perfected further, on the whole it is a successful legislation. 虽然预期违约中的默示预期违约在合同法中有待进一步完善和取舍,但总的来说,我国《合同法》对合同法定解除事由的规定仍不失为成功的立法例。
Implied anticipatory breach of contract is a special form of breach of contract which only exists in common law system, meanwhile the countries with traditions of continental law have adopted precarious right to defense instead of implied anticipatory breach of contract. 默示预期违约是英美法系的特有制度,大陆法系各国民法典一般只规定不安抗辩权,它是作为双务合同的特殊效力规定于合同的效力部分。